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Bone Density Test Specialist

PrimeCare Medical Center

Internists & Family Practice located in Charlotte, NC

Osteoporosis is a condition that affects as many as 10 million Americans, putting them at risk of easily suffering a crippling bone break. Patrick Evivie, MD, FACP, RPVI, and Hans Kwaku, MD, MPH, FACP, of PrimeCare Medical Center in Charlotte, North Carolina, provide bone density screenings so they can evaluate your bone health and you can learn how to promote it. Call the office or schedule online to get a bone density screening today.

Bone Density Test Q & A

What happens during a bone density test?

PrimeCare Medical Center uses a DEXA scan – duel-energy X-ray absorptiometry – to screen your bone density. The test takes just a few minutes. You lie on an exam table as the machine uses energy to take an image of the inside of your bones. Usually, the bones evaluated are the:

  • Spine
  • Hip
  • Arms

Other areas can be scanned depending on your risk of osteoporosis.

Who needs a bone density test?

Postmenopausal women are at the greatest risk for low bone density and osteoporosis. You’ll need a screening if you:

  • Are a woman 65 years old or older
  • Are a man 70 years old or older
  • Are a menopausal woman or postmenopausal woman younger than 65 but with a family  history or other risks of osteoporosis
  • Break a bone after age 50
  • Are a man between the ages of 50 and 69 with osteoporosis risk factors

Risk factors include your bone structure and size as well as other medical issues, such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Why is osteoporosis a concern?

A bone density screening helps the doctors at PrimeCare Medical Center evaluate your risk of osteoporosis, diagnose the condition, or note your response to treatment. Osteoporosis can be a debilitating condition. It occurs when your body loses too much bone or doesn’t make enough bone. Vulnerable bones can break easily – even when you sneeze – leading to serious complications and dysfunction as you age. You can also become shorter and stooped due to osteoporosis.

What information does a bone density test provide?

A bone density test helps the doctors know how to treat your bone health.

A bone density screening helps Dr. Evivie and Dr. Kwaku:

  • Learn if you have weak bones before you experience a break
  • Predict your risk of breaking a bone in the near future
  • Evaluate whether your bone density is worsening, improving, or holding steady
  • Determine how well osteoporosis medication is working

Awareness of your bone health helps you make smart lifestyle choices, such as following a healthy diet, participating in weight-bearing exercise, and quitting smoking, to promote long-term bone strength.

To schedule your bone density screening, call PrimeCare Medical Center or schedule an appointment online today.

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